Movement First

Movement First


UI Design

Usability Testing


Competitor Analysis

Information Architecture



This solo project aims to redesign a struggling eCommerce store for a fictional client. The client has not been satisfied with the store's performance since its launch and believes that a restructuring of the website is necessary.

This solo project aims to redesign a struggling eCommerce store for a fictional client. The client has not been satisfied with the store's performance since its launch and believes that a restructuring of the website is necessary.



Customers needs a more defined category classification to quickly locate and find products they want to buy, and the ability to read product reviews to make informed buying decisions.

Customers needs a more defined category classification to quickly locate and find products they want to buy, and the ability to read product reviews to make informed buying decisions.



Redesign the website by using UX research methods such as Information Architecture and Competitor Analysis to not only make the website look visually appealing but also ultimately provides a seamless and better user experience.

Redesign the website by using UX research methods such as Information Architecture and Competitor Analysis to not only make the website look visually appealing but also ultimately provides a seamless and better user experience.

User Interviews

User Interviews

I conducted 5 user interviews with people who use gym products, aged 25 to 31, to determine their needs, goals, and frustrations when purchasing gym products from a website in Singapore.

I conducted 5 user interviews with people who use gym products, aged 25 to 31, to determine their needs, goals, and frustrations when purchasing gym products from a website in Singapore.

Based on the interviews, the two key insights are that shoppers:

Based on the interviews, the two key insights are that shoppers:

Competitor Analysis

Competitor Analysis

I analyzed three competitors in the gym industry to identify features that they have that Movement First don’t.

I analyzed three competitors in the gym industry to identify features that they have that Movement First don’t.

Based on the analysis, I have gathered three main learning points.

Based on the analysis, I have gathered three main learning points.

Photos of people using the product
-To help users visualize how the product looks like being used.

Photos of people using the product
-To help users visualize how the product looks like being used.

Product reviews

-To provide valuable insights of a product and its performance,

helping both the manufacturer and the consumer make informed decisions.

Product reviews

-To provide valuable insights of a product and its performance,

helping both the manufacturer and the consumer
make informed decisions.

Product recommendations

-To improve sales, customer satisfaction, and create a more personalized shopping experience.

Product recommendations

-To improve sales, customer satisfaction

and create a more personalized shopping experience.

Tree Testing and Card Sorting

Tree Testing and Card Sorting

User behavior was recorded through tree testing and card sorting techniques, which involved users in the process of organizing information into categories that made sense to them. This helped create a clearer information hierarchy and navigation structure for the website that met the users' needs and expectations.

All of the data and feedback were reviewed to determine the information architecture, and once this was completed, it was time to create prototypes for testing.

User behavior was recorded through tree testing and card sorting techniques, which involved users in the process of organizing information into categories that made sense to them. This helped create a clearer information hierarchy and navigation structure for the website that met the users' needs and expectations.

All of the data and feedback were reviewed to determine the information architecture, and once this was completed, it was time to create prototypes for testing.



To better understand the target audience and make design decisions accordingly, I have created a persona for users. This will lead to solutions that work for both existing and potential shoppers on the e-commerce site.

To better understand the target audience and make design decisions accordingly, I have created a persona for users. This will lead to solutions that work for both existing and potential shoppers on the e-commerce site.

Usability Testing

Usability Testing

Usability testing sessions were used to observe the user's behavior and collect feedback on their experiences.

Usability testing sessions were used to observe the user's behavior and collect feedback on their experiences.



Most users think that there should be some form of sorting for the categories from the drop-down menu and to avoid information overload, the other categories should be hidden until they are selected to be opened.

Most users think that there should be some form of sorting for the categories from the drop-down menu and to avoid information overload, the other categories should be hidden until they are selected to be opened.



The revised version has been alphabetically sorted, utilizing a medium font style for sub-categories to establish a clearer hierarchy. Additionally, other categories remain hidden allowing users to avoid excessive information sifting.

The revised version has been alphabetically sorted, utilizing a medium font style for sub-categories to establish a clearer hierarchy. Additionally, other categories remain hidden allowing users to avoid excessive information sifting.



4/5 participants believe think that there should be indications added for scrolling.

They also think that the Sports and Exercise section can be improved further by adding more details as the current content resembles programs.

4/5 participants believe think that there should be indications added for scrolling.

They also think that the Sports and Exercise section can be improved further by adding more details as the current content resembles programs.



Emphasis on products

The Sports and Exercise section was improved by adding

the word 'product' and emphasizing a product for each category.

Emphasis on products

The Sports and Exercise section was improved by adding

the word 'product' and emphasizing a product for each category.

Indications to scroll

Indicators like an arrow and a scrollbar was added based on

user feedback.

Indications to scroll

Indicators like an arrow and a scrollbar was added based on

user feedback.

Final Look

Final Look

I took the feedback gathered from the usability test and iterated the design into a high fidelity mockup.

I took the feedback gathered from the usability test and iterated the design into a high fidelity mockup.

What I Learned

What I Learned

One of the main cause of information architecture mistake shown here was Extreme Polyhierarchy. With too many classification options, users are forced to think harder to move forward.

Users spend too much time agonizing over categories and then get confused whether if the items will show up in multiple places.

One of the main cause of information architecture mistake shown here was Extreme Polyhierarchy. With too many classification options, users are forced to think harder to move forward.

Users spend too much time agonizing over categories and then get confused whether if the items will show up in multiple places.

Future Steps

Future Steps

A mobile responsive site

To make it convenient for users to browse and purchase products anytime and anywhere

Developing more logical top level categories

With the chance to do so, I am confident that we can streamline the level categories to make them more intuitive, and thereby reduce their number.

A mobile responsive site

To make it convenient for users to browse and purchase products anytime and anywhere

Developing more logical top level categories

With the chance to do so, I am confident that we can streamline the level categories to make them more intuitive, and thereby reduce their number.

© 2023 Henry Shu

© 2023 Henry Shu